Friday, November 27, 2009

Interesting Least Likely Friendships !!


Aries-Cancer and Aries-Capricorn:

Aries are outgoing, impulsive, outspoken people, and can sometimes jar on the nerves of the quieter Capricorns and Cancerians. While Capricorns don’t like the fact that Aries people refuse to look beyond the happy present, Cancerians are often hurt by Aries’ abrupt forthrightness and refuse to forgive.

Taurus-Leo and Taurus-Aquarius:

Taureans can be extremely stubborn, and are also quiet and dependable. Leos often put them off by their louder, more enthusiastic partying ways and impractical romanticism. Freedom-loving Aquarians weigh everything rationally, and can be just as stubborn (though more clinically logical) than the more orthodox Taureans if it comes to a showdown.

Gemini-Virgo and Gemini-Pisces:

Geminis are intelligent, gregarious, but they refuse to be tied down by schedules and relationships. Virgos love schedules – order, cleanliness, punctuality, so they often fight over these issues. Pisces need lots of affection, and frequent displays of it, Geminis can be very detached.


It’s the same story here – Cancerians are moody people, who need frequent displays of affection to soothe away those black moods. Librans are airy, pleasant people who like to party and look good and make scintillating conversation, but don’t often have the patience to lend an ear to a weepy Crab.


Leos like to rule, like their symbol, the Lion. Scorpios are extremely intense people, and don’t like to be lorded over. It’s easy to see why these two would have ego clashes and often. Both are also proud, and wouldn’t want to be the first one to say sorry.


Sagittarians are known for being as blunt as a block of wood. Virgos are their own worst critics, and don’t like to be criticised. It’s easy for these two to get into shouting matches over personal comments, and over the Sagi’s love of travel and the Virgo’s for home.


Capricorns are obstinately traditional. They’ll conform to social rules till their last breath, unless there’s a very strong reason not to. Librans go by logic, and they can be very clinical and rather detached about tradition and orthodoxy. Obviously, these two rub each other up the wrong way. Scorpio-Aquarius: More than
conflict, this friendship might just suffer from a lack of sufficient attachment. Aquarians analyse everything rather scientifically, and are willing to change their views if logic proves they’re wrong. Scorpios have their own personal codes of conduct, and the rest of the world can take a walk. They simply don’t connect.


The blunt Sagis can hurt no one more deeply than the extremely emotional, sensitive Pisces. And when they realise it, the damage is done. Their reflex is to apologise honestly and cheerfully and forget it, but for the Pisces, it’s the beginning of an estrangement. These friendships often fizzle out.

Source : TNN

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Exclusive Friendship Thoughts !

"One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. Friendship ..."

~ Henry B. Adams

"A true friend is one soul in two bodies. "

~ Aristotle

"Friendship is like money, easier made than kept. "

~ Samuel Butler

"A true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends ..."

~ William Penn

"Grief can take care if itself, but to get the full value of a joy ..."

~ Mark Twain

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Great Friendship Quotes !

If a man does not make new acquaintances as he passes through life,
he will soon find himself alone.
A man should keep his friendships in constant repair.

~ Samuel Johnson

Make not thy friend to cheap to thee,
nor thyself to thy friend.

~ Thomas Fuller

Wishing to be friends is quick work,
but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.

~ Aristotle

Friendship makes prosperity more brilliant,
and lightens adversity by dividing and sharing it.

~ Cicero

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cute Friendship Poem !!

A friendship is a bond you have with someone else.
A friendship is special just like one's gift.
A friendship is a time to share your feelings.
A friendship is something very remembering.
A friendship is something I truly have.
A friendship is something everyone should want to last.
A friend is there to be by your side.
A friend is there to tell you everything is going to be alright.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Exclusive Friendship Thoughts !

"We cannot always assure the future of our friends; we have a better chance of assuring our future if we remember who our friends are."

~ Henry Kissinger

"The wicked can have only accomplices, the voluptuous have companions in debauchery, self-seekers have associates, the politic assemble the factions, the typical idler has connections, princes have courtiers. Only the virtuous have friends."

~ Voltaire

"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

~ Albert Camus

"Of what shall a man be proud, if he is not proud of his friends?"

~ Robert Louis Stevenson