Friday, May 23, 2008

Timmy's Wish

It was under an old banyan tree on the school playground in Hawaii that I first met Timmy. I was an elementary school teacher and he was a gregarious five-year-old. As the school year progressed, a special friendship began to evolve between us. It was the Summer Fun Program at our school that really brought us together.

One day in mid-August, I was in the school office when Timmy's teacher came running in with Timmy. He was sobbing and the teacher was nearly hysterical. The bathroom door had slammed on his finger. She had a handkerchief wrapped around Timmy's index finger and wasn't sure how much of it was left because it was bleeding so much. Our school bus driver rushed them immediately to the emergency room.

A few minutes later the phone rang at the school. It was the doctor asking if we had found the tip of Timmy's finger. He said there was a small chance of saving it if we could get it to him quickly. Pulling myself out of a daze, I ran to the bathroom. Sure enough, there it was. After carefully wrapping it up, I grabbed my car keys and headed for the emergency unit. The doctor was waiting for me. Unfortunately, the fingertip had already turned blue. As he took the tiny piece of flesh in his hand, I knew from the look on his face that it was too late. With a sinking heart I quietly asked,

"Where's Timmy?"

The doctor pointed to a room down the hall. "He's soaking his finger in a solution to stop the bleeding."

"Can I see him for a few minutes?" I asked.

"Of course," he said and gestured toward the door.

Timmy was lying on a flat gurney. He must have been sobbing a lot because his chest was still heaving as I approached the bed.

"Hi, Timmy," I said, gently brushing the tears from his cheeks. "How are you doing?"

"Okay," he whimpered, trying to hold back his tears.

I felt helpless, unable to take the pain away from my little friend. Then suddenly an idea came to me. Bending over, I whispered in his ear, "Timmy, did you know that geckos [our Hawaiian lizards] grow their tails back and little boys can grow their fingers back too?" Timmy's soft green eyes grew wide with excitement.

"They can?" he asked, obviously astonished by the thought.

"Yep, they can!" I answered with certainty.

"How?" he asked.

"Close your eyes and I'll show you."

My family has lived in the Hawaiian Islands for five generations and I wanted to teach him an ancient Hawaiian healing method that I had learned in my youth. I had studied this process under the direction of special kupuna, and it is based on visual imagery and affirmation.

As Timmy closed his eyes, I began, "Good. Now Timmy, inside your head you have a little voice. Do you know the voice I am talking about?"

"Uh-huh." Timmy nodded, his eyes still closed tightly. "With that voice inside your head, tell your finger how much you love it and how much you need it." I could see Timmy's little face focused in deep concentration. "Tell your finger that you need it to dial the phone." I paused, watching his little lips silently repeat my words. "And to write your sentences in school." I paused again so he could say the words after me. "And tell it how much you need it to point at things." I waited for another moment and then continued, "Now just say, 'Grow for me finger, grow. I love you and I need you.'"

After a few moments, Timmy opened his eyes.

"How was that?" I asked.

Timmy's tear-stained face glowed. I continued, "Remember to do this every time you think of it during the day and wish your finger well." Kissing him on the forehead, I said my good-byes and started toward the door. Then I suddenly realized something. If the adults in his life are not aware of the real power of this technique, they might discourage him. Not wanting limiting beliefs to swallow up Timmy's possibilities for a miracle, I returned to his bedside.

"Timmy," I told him, "let's wait until your finger is completely healed before we tell anybody about this special technique."

"Okay," he replied.

A few days later, Timmy arrived back in school with a large bandage on his finger. With a big grin on his face, he walked up to me and said quietly, "I'm talking to my finger every day, wishing it well, and it's listening to me." Weeks later, with a joyful burst of energy, Timmy sprinted towards me. He proudly pulled the bandage off to show me the result if 'his work.' "See," he said, "It's growing back really good!"

A year later, Timmy came to say good-bye to me. He and his family were moving to another neighborhood. Timmy's finger was completely healed. It was round and padded just as any index finger should be. Only a fine hairline scar remained.

Timmy remains forever in my heart as a constant reminder of the possibility of miracles. From him, I have learned to challenge the thought of failure as it comes into my mind. To this day, Timmy inspires me to reach beyond the accepted knowledge of the times, and to remember the kupuna wisdom that teaches all things are possible if you truly believe.

- By Trinidad Hunt

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Forever Friend

Sometimes in life, you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life by being a part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe that there is really good in this world.
Someone who convinces you that there is
an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.

When you're down, and the world seems dark and empty,
your Forever Friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.

Your Forever Friend gets you through the hard times,
and the sad times, and the confused times.

If you turn and walk away your Forever Friend follows.
If you lose your way, your Forever Friend guides you and cheers you on.

Your Forever Friend holds your hand
and tells you that everything is going to be a-okay.
And when you find such a Friend, you'll feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.

You Have A "Forever Friend" For Life
and Forever has No end.

© Laurieann Kelly

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Online Friends

Maybe you don't look me right in the eye
Maybe you can't ever wipe my tears when I cry
Maybe we can't share some tea and honey so sweet
Or walk together down a path, or up the street

But, we can still be good friends, because you see
We met on the internet, you and me
And when you have a cyber friend, it matters not
How you look, what you wear, or what you've got

I don't care if your last name is Smith or Jones
Or if your size is perfect, plump, or skin and bones
You're there for me and I appreciate you
You've been a pal through thick and thin

You shared my glad times
And in my sad times, you made me grin
So I send this greeting card to you, dear friend so fine
To tell you, I'm so glad you're a pal of mine

And here's a hug, though not with arms
For that can't be...
But it's a hug, straight from my heart
To you, from me

- Unknown

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Best Friendship Poem

Friend and Friends Forever
A friend is a friend forever.
They'll ignite a flame of love
And set your heart aglow,
And light up your life
From your head down to your toe.

A faithful friend is always there
To lend a helping hand.
They'll be there to defend your honor
And take a firm or gentle stand.

When you least expect it,
They may drop in to say,
"Hello, how have you been?
I love you with all my heart,
My true and special friend."

A friend will add beauty to your life,
Like a sweet scented flower.
A good conversation may last into the night
Or for many, many, hours.

They will take time to stop and listen,
When your life is in doubt.
That's what a good friend's love is all about.
A hug, a smile, a tear, or a gentle touch.

These are the things a
forever friend will say and do...
For, they love you forever
and always, so very very much.

©Nancy Hoback

Monday, May 19, 2008

Beautiful Friendship Poem

Forever Friendship

Friends do things for one another
They understand
They go a million miles out of their way
They hold your hand
They bring you smiles
when a smile is exactly what you needed.

They listen and they hear
what is said in the spaces between the words
They care and they let you know
you're in their prayers.

Friends always know the perfect thing to do
they can make your whole day
just by saying something that no one else
could have said.

Sometimes you feel like the two of you
share a secret language
that others can't tune in to.

A friend can guide you, inspire you,
comfort you, or light up your life with laughter.
A friend understands your moods
and nurtures your needs.
A friend lovingly knows just what you're after.

When your feelings come from deep inside
and they need to be spoken to someone
you don't have to hide from,
you share them with a friend.

When good news comes
a friend is the first one you turn to
When feelings overflow
and tears need to fall
friends help you through it all.

Friends bring sunlight into your life
They warm your life with their presence
whether they are far away
or close by your side.

A friend is a gift
that brings happiness
and a treasure
that money can't buy.

© 2002 Collin McCary