Friday, February 18, 2011

Lovely Friendship Thoughts !

I have a list of folks I know...

all written in a book,

And every now and then...

I go and take a look.

That is when I realize

these names...they are a part,

not of the book they're written in...

but taken from the heart.

For each Name stands for someone...

who has crossed my path sometime,

and in that meeting they have become...

the reason and the rhyme

Although it sounds fantastic...

for me to make this claim,

I really am composed...

of each remembered name.

Although you're not aware...

of any special link,

just knowing you, has shaped my life...

more than you could think.

So please don't think my greeting...

as just a mere routine,

your name was not...

forgotten in between.

For when I send a greeting...

that is addressed to you,

it is because you're on the list...

of folks I'm indebted to.

So whether I have known you...

for many days or few,

in some ways you have a part...

in shaping things I do.

I am but a total...

of many folks I've met,

you are a friend I would prefer...

never to forget.

Thank you for being my friend!

~ Unknown.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Amazing Friendship Quotes !

Some of the happiest times of my life

Are times you and I spend together.

For deep in my heart I've considered you special-

One of my dearest friends ever !

~ Unknown.

Time and again I've been ever so grateful

For having a good friend like you-

A friend for all times,

To confide in, to count on, and treasure

A whole lifetime through.

You're a friend

For all times.

~ Unknown.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Beautiful Friendship Statements !

Be friendly with the folks you know, if it weren't for them you would be a total stranger. 

A friend is never known till he is needed.

Friendship is a responsibility. ..not an opportunity.

Friendship is the cement that holds the world together.

Friends are those who speak to you after others don't.

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail and not his tongue.

Pick your friends, but not to pieces.

A friend is one who puts his finger on a fault without rubbing it in.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Great Friendship Poems !

God knew what He was doing

when He sent a gentle breeze

and brought a beautiful butterfly

to set my heart at ease.

The happiness of your friendship

and the gentleness of your words

have touched my life in a special way

and now I feel assured.

Thank you for your encouragement

and your thoughtfulness too

God knew what He was doing

when He sent me a friend like you.

~ Unknown.

Time after time I've enjoyed your nice company,

Warmed by your closeness we share,

And when there were days

That I needed encouragement,
I knew you'd always be there…

~ Unknown.