Monday, September 17, 2007

Real Friendship Thoughts !

Friendships are different from all other relationships. Unlike acquaintanceship, friendship is based on love. Unlike lovers and married couples, it is free of jealousy. Unlike children and parents, it knows neither criticism nor resentment. Friendship has no status in law. Business partnerships are based on a contract. So is marriage. Parents are bound by law. But friendships are freelyentered into, freely given, and freely exercised.

~ Stephen Ambrose.

Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honoring of differences, not simply in theenjoyment of similarities.

~ James Fredericks.

It is hard to have a true friend,and it is harder to be the one.

~ Nghia.

Friends are like stars, you can't always seethem but you know that they're there.

~ Unknown.