Thursday, May 12, 2011

Special Friendship Poem !

A Special Friend !

You've touched my heart,
You've helped me through,
My pain and sorrow,
which weren't too few.

You shared my smiles,
and my tears.
You were always there,
to squelch my fears.

To you my friend and confidant,
I give my heart of love,
My smiles of laughter,
and the hope that,
We will remain friends,
forever and after.

~ Rae Scales.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meaningful Friendship Poem !

A Friend Is Like A Flower...

A friend is like a flower -- a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate --that never comes unlatched
A friend is like an owl, both beautiful and wise
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost, whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like those blades of grass -- you can never mow,
standing straight, tall, and proud -- in a perfect little row
A friend is like a heart that goes --strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world -- if we didn't have a friend.

~ Unknown.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Famous Friendship Poems !

You're My Friend, My Companion !!!

My friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend,
my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness,
with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there, throughout the years!

~ Unknown.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Cool Friendship Quotes !

Words begin with ….A….B….C….
Number begin with….1….2….3….
Music begin with….SA….RE….GA….
FRIENDSHIP begins with….’
‘You & Me”

~ Unknown.

Make your life a house your heart can live in.
With a door that is open to receive friends.
And a garden full of memories ?
of many good things.

~ Unknown.

To hear what is unspoken,
to see what is invisible,
to feel without even touching…
is the miracle called “friendship”

~ Unknown.