Monday, April 26, 2010

Amazing Friendship Quotes !

"I believe in Angels, the ones that heaven sends
I believe in Angels, but i call them my best friends"

~ Micaela K.

"A friend will strengthen you with her prayers, bless you with her love, and encourage you with her hope."

~ Unknown.

! " I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me. . . I'd like to be the help you've always been glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way."

~ Jenny Mcgehee.

"A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten your life when you've been through a storm."

~ Jenna Palmer.

"Do not save your loving speeches
For your friends till they are dead;
Do not write them on their tombstones,
Speak them rather now instead.

~ Anna Cummins.