Definition of a Best Friend
If you have a person in your life, that you know you can trust.
Someone you have respect for, and that you can depend on.
Who you know will be there, in good times and in bad.
You can tell your deepest secrets to, and know that they’ll be safe.
They will help you to achieve your goals and reach your biggest dreams.
If you know someone who's like this, hold them close inside your heart.
Realize the importance that this person has to you.
They can be much closer than your spouse, family, or friends
They never will abandon, divorce, or disown you, and
If you do go through these things, they’ll be there to support you.
They will be beside you when you are sick or you’re hurt.
They’ll demand you be treated with kindness and respect.
They’ll make sure that your care, is no less than the best
When you are too weak to fight, they will step right in.
If you know someone with these qualities, cherish them each day.
I’m one of the lucky ones;
I have this kind of friend.
I know my life is better, since I’ve had her in it.
I know no matter where or when, I can rely on her,
She’ll never hurt, betray or judge me.
She'll just be my Best Friend…….
This is for Kat, who is there for me to lean on, without ever being asked............
Sent By Karyn Roy