Monday, February 13, 2012

Lovely Friendship Poems !

There's lots of things
With which I'm blessed,
My problems have been few;

But of all, this one's the best:
To have a friend like you.

In times of trouble
Friends will say,
"Just ask, I'll help you through it."

But you don't wait for me to ask,
You just get up and do it!

And I can think
of nothing more
That I could wisely do,
Than know a friend,
And be a friend,
And have a friend like you.

- Unknown.

We all need someone
To talk to in our life,
A friend to whom we run
In times of stress or strife

A friend who's always there
Throughout the years,
A friend we know will care
And take away our fears.

A friend who's always near,
Waiting for our call,
To wipe away our tears,
And lift us when we fall.

A loving friend indeed,
On whom we can depend
To fulfill our every need -
Thank you, precious friend.

- Unknown.