Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Special Friendship Feelings !

"Real Friendship is the sharing of all that the heart holds inside, it's tears and laughter, it's joy and broken dreams. Because friendship dwells in the heart where time and distance know no boundaries, it understands the depth of true feelings and the sound of words unspoken. It is a true gift, for it connects the heart of soulmates together forever."

~ Erin.

"Friends Are The Angels That Lift Us To Our Feet When Our Wings Have trouble Remembering How To Fly"

~ Jessica.

"If I could give you one gift my friend, I would give you the ability to see yourself as others see you, so you would know how very special you are."

~ Unknown.

"A friend is the inspiration in you when you have lost all hope, and they bring out a world inside of you that you never knew you had."

~ Tiffany Maynard.